Formatting HTML Tables in Flow

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8 Responses

  1. Daniel says:

    The characters ‘ and ” in the code are not copied well, have to change them manually.
    But the overall it works great.

  2. Jo says:

    Hi April,
    Thanks for you contribution.
    However, after inserting the function Replace() I didn’t get what you said. The output of the function deleted the structure of the table and didn’t add any lines. Could you please give me hand?

  3. Tem says:

    Hi april,

    Brilliant, this worked straight away for me. I typed it in as I noticed the formatting was a little off on this page as Daniel said but still extremely helpful in making my email look more organised. Thankyou

  4. Tharindu says:

    Hi April this is really helpful. Saved my day 🙂

  5. Gustavo Link Federizzi says:

    Fantastic! Simple and elegant!

  6. Manjunath Siddappa says:


    However i extended your code. We can simply put css inline style. Hope it will help some one.


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